




   ~ West Coast Swing 搖擺 講座 與 體驗  ~



台中 West Coast Swing 搖擺 講座 與 體驗


地點 召集人 詳情

Taichung, Taiwan


WCS為West Coast Swing西岸搖擺舞,是三大搖擺舞系之ㄧ。
Lindy Hop, West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing,皆起源於LINDY。
WCS在加州更被譽為”Official State dance of California,”可見WCS在美國風靡的程度. San Diego,San Francisco and Los Angeles 每年皆有大型的WCS比賽盛事。

辦” West Coast Swing西岸搖擺舞”講座。

本次講座特別邀請來自美國的Brady Stanton及台北資深WCS舞者跟大家介紹有關WCS的起源、演進、舞蹈風格、音樂以及WCS比賽方式等,將帶您進入WCS的有趣世界,是您不能錯過的絕佳舞蹈講座。

另外,為了讓大家對West Coast Swing西岸搖擺舞有更深一層的認識,
我們將於講座結束後開設West Coast Swing搖擺舞基本舞步體驗課程,

主題: West Coast Swing 搖擺講座
主辦單位: 台灣莎莎流行拉丁舞蹈協會
日期: 2011年6月19日
時間: 14:30-15:30
地點: 舞出極限舞蹈公司
詳情請洽: 0936-985881 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0936-985881      end_of_the_skype_highlighting翁小姐或 0921-331369 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0921-331369      end_of_the_skype_highlighting莊小姐
或 舞出極限 04-23055175 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              04-23055175      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

主題: West Coast Swing 體驗課
費用: 每人200元 (TSA會員150元,請出示TSA會員卡)
日期: 2011年6月19日
時間: 15:45~16:45
地點: 舞出極限舞蹈公司


以上講座及課程 將準時開始, 請大家尊重授課教師及其他參與講座的舞蹈愛好者的上課品質, 請務必提早到場. 請大家配合!

欲參加體驗課程者,請於 6/15日 前報名
詳情請洽: 0936-985881 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0936-985881      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Jenna 或 0921-331369 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0921-331369      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Tina

WCS -- West Coast Swing.. ”Official State dance of California”
There are many competitions, festivals held in San Diego, San Francisco and Los Angeles every year..

June 19th, 2011... Taiwan Salsa Association will bring this dance from the West Coast of the States to Taichung, Taiwan.

Brady Stanton, the instroctor from the USA, along with senior WCS dancers in Taipei will introduce the history of the WCS and the music, the styles..

Most important, there will be also an hour of class from Brady Stanton for us to experience the dance.

Come and enjoy with us!

Date: June 19th (Sunday)

WCS Introduction
Time: 14:30~15:30 ( Free entrance, please come in early)

WCS Dance Class
Time: 15:45 ~ 16:45
Fee: NT$200 / per person
(TSA memebers NT$150/per person - please persent your membership card)

Location: Total Xtreme Dance Company
Add: B2-1, No. 183, Chung-hsin Street, Taichung City

Please contact with Jenna or Tina before 15th of June, if you wish to join the WCS dance class.

The above classes will be started on time. Please make sure you come in early! Thank you

For more info, contact:
0936-985-881 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0936-985-881      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Jenna Weng
0921-331-369 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0921-331-369      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Tina Chuang
or Total Xtreme Dance Company 04-2305-5175 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              04-2305-5175      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Taiwan Salsa Association

地點 召集人 詳情

Taichung, Taiwan


WCS為West Coast Swing西岸搖擺舞,是三大搖擺舞系之ㄧ。
Lindy Hop, West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing,皆起源於LINDY。
WCS在加州更被譽為”Official State dance of California,”可見WCS在美國風靡的程度. San Diego,San Francisco and Los Angeles 每年皆有大型的WCS比賽盛事。

辦” West Coast Swing西岸搖擺舞”講座。

本次講座特別邀請來自美國的Brady Stanton及台北資深WCS舞者跟大家介紹有關WCS的起源、演進、舞蹈風格、音樂以及WCS比賽方式等,將帶您進入WCS的有趣世界,是您不能錯過的絕佳舞蹈講座。

另外,為了讓大家對West Coast Swing西岸搖擺舞有更深一層的認識,
我們將於講座結束後開設West Coast Swing搖擺舞基本舞步體驗課程,

主題: West Coast Swing 搖擺講座
主辦單位: 台灣莎莎流行拉丁舞蹈協會
日期: 2011年6月19日
時間: 14:30-15:30
地點: 舞出極限舞蹈公司
詳情請洽: 0936-985881 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0936-985881      end_of_the_skype_highlighting翁小姐或 0921-331369 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0921-331369      end_of_the_skype_highlighting莊小姐
或 舞出極限 04-23055175 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              04-23055175      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

主題: West Coast Swing 體驗課
費用: 每人200元 (TSA會員150元,請出示TSA會員卡)
日期: 2011年6月19日
時間: 15:45~16:45
地點: 舞出極限舞蹈公司


以上講座及課程 將準時開始, 請大家尊重授課教師及其他參與講座的舞蹈愛好者的上課品質, 請務必提早到場. 請大家配合!

欲參加體驗課程者,請於 6/15日 前報名
詳情請洽: 0936-985881 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0936-985881      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Jenna 或 0921-331369 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0921-331369      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Tina

WCS -- West Coast Swing.. ”Official State dance of California”
There are many competitions, festivals held in San Diego, San Francisco and Los Angeles every year..

June 19th, 2011... Taiwan Salsa Association will bring this dance from the West Coast of the States to Taichung, Taiwan.

Brady Stanton, the instroctor from the USA, along with senior WCS dancers in Taipei will introduce the history of the WCS and the music, the styles..

Most important, there will be also an hour of class from Brady Stanton for us to experience the dance.

Come and enjoy with us!

Date: June 19th (Sunday)

WCS Introduction
Time: 14:30~15:30 ( Free entrance, please come in early)

WCS Dance Class
Time: 15:45 ~ 16:45
Fee: NT$200 / per person
(TSA memebers NT$150/per person - please persent your membership card)

Location: Total Xtreme Dance Company
Add: B2-1, No. 183, Chung-hsin Street, Taichung City

Please contact with Jenna or Tina before 15th of June, if you wish to join the WCS dance class.

The above classes will be started on time. Please make sure you come in early! Thank you

For more info, contact:
0936-985-881 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0936-985-881      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Jenna Weng
0921-331-369 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0921-331-369      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Tina Chuang
or Total Xtreme Dance Company 04-2305-5175 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              04-2305-5175      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Taiwan Salsa Association

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