Sugsr誠摯地推薦 2011/12/24(星期六)
2011 舞出極限聖誕舞會 Total Xtreme Xmas Ball
2011 舞出極限聖誕舞會 Total Xtreme Xmas Ball
Total Xtreme Dance Company-Salsa, Bachata, Jazz, Capoeira 的公開活動任何人都可以看到及加入這個活動
· 由 Gino Giancarlo Mayaute 和 Andrea Wang 發起
21:00 至 2:00
地點 | 台中市中興街183號B2/B2, 183, Jhongsing St., Taichung City |
簡介 | 舞出極限舞蹈公司聖誕舞會 Total Xtreme Christmas Ball Come and celebrate Christmas Eve in Total Xtreme Dance Company on Saturday, December 24th at 9 PM! Please mark your calendar and bring your family, friends and whoever you know to have fun with us. ⋯⋯ TXD's performances are well known for quality! We will surely maintain the quality and bring everyone FOUR exciting performances! Three of these performances have been previously created by Gino, our art director, and 13 new people are going to be performing these choreographs for the first time. Also, Cherry and Marco one of the best Taiwan’ International Latin Dancers will be performing a Rumba for us, so don’t miss out! A big THANK YOU to the 20 people below for performing on this day and their support and especially for celebrating this special day with us: Alice Wang, Amy Chen, Andrea Wang, Lenora Lin, Selina Tseng, Vanessa Hong, Antony Liao, James Tsai, James Wan, Mushroom Lu, Nick Ding, Thomas Hou, Jenna Weng, Jean Chang, Sugar Chen, Tina Chen, Brady Peng, Kocela Chang, Cherry Ho, Marco Tseng. Our art Director, Gino has also decided to DJ for us, after a long retirement from New Zealand, as he says, ‘Gino Latino’ is back, so don’t miss out on hearing his new collection of music brought from New York just recently. Also, thank you to Jack G for accepting the roll of MC on the night. This year, just as previews years we will also have, guests from Hong Kong, Taipei and Kaohsiung joining the party. We will also provide drinks and finger food in the party, and withdraw a present, so wish you luck! Presents include free 10-class cards and a bottle of wine! Come and join us! 舞出極限邀請大家來跟我們一起慶祝今年的聖誕夜!就在12月24日晚間九點,請你帶著親朋好友一起來溫馨玩樂過耶誕! TXD維持一貫的高品質表演~ 在此次舞會中,會為大家帶來四場的精彩表演! 三支舞碼皆為藝術總監Gino所創作或監製,共有13位新表演者第一次參與表演。台灣國際標準舞界的頂尖舞者Cherry和Marco也將為大家帶來一首國標倫巴表演,精彩程度值得期待。請千萬不要錯過! 特別要感謝以下參與者,謝謝你們表演與支持,還有在這特別的節日裡選擇與我們一起度過。 Alice Wang, Amy Chen, Andrea Wang, Lenora Lin, Selina Tseng, Vanessa Hong, Antony Liao, James Tsai, James Wan, Mushroom Lu, Nick Ding, Thomas Hou, Jenna Weng, Jean Chang, Sugar Chen, Tina Chen, Brady Peng, Kocela Chang, Cherry Ho, Marco Tseng. 也要特別感謝鄭子揚老師(Jack)擔任今年舞會的主持人一角。 我們的總監Gino決定今年耶誕要親自DJ! 在離開紐西蘭之後,已經很長一段時間沒有公開DJ的他說:‘Gino Latino’ is back! 夾帶著紐約進修回來後的豐富曲目,所以千萬不要錯過他精彩DJ! 今年的舞會,一如往年,有特別嘉賓從香港,台北,高雄來與我們一起參與盛會。舞會當天,提供各位特製飲料與特色小點心之外,還有溫馨抽獎活動。獎品內容包含舞出極限教室免費上課10堂卡片與紅酒! 祝你好運抽大獎囉! 時間 Date:2010.12.24 星期六 Sat. 9PM till late 地點 Venue:舞出極限舞蹈公司 Total Xtreme Dance Company 台中市中興街183號地下2樓 B2, No. 183, Jhongshin Street, Taichung City 電話 Tel:(04) 2305 5175 服裝 Dress Code: Is Christmas, so dress to impress! 請響應耶誕氣氛,穿著令人驚艷吧! 入場費用Entry : 12/15前預購 Pre-paid: NTD400 當天票價 Door price: NTD500 票務連絡方式For tickets: 台中Taichung: 請來電04-23055175 或直接至教室購買 Please call 04-23055175 or Stop by the studio 台北 Taipei: 請聯絡Amy 0952280275 Please call Amy 0952280275 溫馨感人聖誕小禮物交換 Gifts exchange (請準備200元以下小禮物 Please bring a gift which value is less than NTD200)更多 |