


2011舞出極限二週年慶暨畢業舞會 TXD 2ND YEAR ANNIVERSARY





2011舞出極限二週年慶暨畢業舞會 TXD 2ND YEAR ANNIVERSARY

時間: 7月30日 20:00 - 7月31日 2:00

地點 :台中市舞出極限舞蹈教室

召集人 :Andrea Wang

屬於 Total Xtreme Dance Company-Salsa, Bachata, Jazz, Capoeira

詳情 :2011舞出極限週年慶暨畢業舞會

時間: 2011/7/30 週六晚上8點到半夜2點
入場費: NT500 (限在7/22前預付完成)
NTD 700 (7/22後原價購買)
⋯⋯ 當日飲料無限暢飲,並備有自助式小點心
早鳥優惠: 前30名購票者享有VIP座位
購票請洽: Andrea/ Stephanie 04-23055175



舞出極限歡慶成立兩週年! 在這期間我們陸續達成了大大小小的目標,包括陸續在台北與台中開設許多新的課程,第二次赴香港比賽得獎,在台北與台中各自招募了更多的舞者。更重要的是,我們讓更多人在舞蹈上獲得相當的進步,並使我們自己成長為更好的舞者ˎ表演者與老師。


與去年類似的是,有一群學生順利地將我設計的Salsa教材學習完畢,包含我所設計的八個Salsa舞組步,這八個組步中包含了大部分Salsa舞所需的基礎技巧。為了感謝他們在學習上的熱忱與付出,我也將特地為他們舉辦一場畢業典禮,並且以一支包含這八個組步的舞碼“Por el odio”驕傲地將他們的學習成果呈現給各位。

在這次的週年慶舞會中,我將與你們分享我所精心準備的七支舞碼。因此我要特別感謝這三十一位舞者,因為他們努力地讓我腦中瘋狂的想法變成真實的舞步,並且在過去的時間裡一直支持著我。此外,也特別感謝好友DJ Sebastien從香港飛來幫我們DJ,以及Jenna給予這場舞會的支持。謝謝你們!


Burlesque – 開場舞: 舞孃俱樂部
舞者:Andrea, Angel, Doreen, Jean, Lulu, Marian, Mier, Nancy, Stephanie, Tina
Por el odio– 騷莎畢業舞序
舞者: Andrea, Jenson, Johnny, Kevin, Mei Tzu, Lenora
Fragile– 女子風格騷莎獨舞
舞者: 舞出極限台北舞團Alice, Amy, Amber, Ceres, Q Baby, Selina, Stephanie, Vanessa
Un puesto Vacante– Cowboy 騷莎表演 舞者: Andrea and Nick
Flauta y Trombone –騷莎表演 舞者: Stanley and Stephanie
Peligro – 舞出極限Bachata表演班
舞者: Alice, Amy, Antony, Andrea, Brady, Jenson, Johnny, Kevin, Kocela, Lenora, Mei Tzu, Ruby, Selina, Sonia, Thomas, Nick
Real Love – Zouk 表演 舞者:Gino and Kitty

舞出極限 全體成員 敬邀



Total Xtreme Dance Company is celebrating its second year anniversary. We have accomplished many goals including opening new classes in both Taipei and Taichung, winning awards for the second time in Hong Kong, recruiting more dancers from Taipei and Taichung, and most important, training more students to dance better as well as to improve ourselves to become better dancers, performers and teachers.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank once again to all my students, friends and coworkers for their support and contribution to the school for the past two years. We are now recognized internationally as Taiwan’s Salsa training dance school.

Similarly to last year a group of my students have completed a new eight combinations syllabus, which contains most of the basic techniques in Salsa. To show gratitude to their dedication, I am going to make a graduation for them on the date and proudly present a routine “Por el odio” which will present all what they’ve learned.

This year, I will be sharing with you SEVEN choreographies. Therefore, I want to thank the thirty one people below for letting me once again bring alive my ideas and for the support they have giving me throughout these past years. Another special thanks to DJ Sebastien coming from Hong Kong to DJ on the day and Jenna. Thank you so much guys!!

The following SEVEN choreographies will be performed on SATURDAY 30 OF JULY 2011, so make sure you don’t miss out!!

1. Burlesque Opening Performance
Performers: Andrea, Angel, Doreen, Jean, Lulu, Marian, Mier, Nancy, Stephanie, Tina

2. Por el odio Graduation Performance
Performers: Andrea, Jenson, Johnny, Kevin, Mei Tzu, Lenora

3. Fragile – Lady Styling Performance
Performers: Alice, Amy, Amber, Ceres, Q Baby, Selina, Stephanie, Vanessa

4. Un Puesto Vacante Cowboy Salsa Performance
Performers: Andrea & Nick

5. Flauta y Trombone Salsa Performance (1st Runners Up in the Asia Pacific Salsa Open Championships)
Performers: Jack G & Stephanie

6. Peligro Bachata Performance
Performers: Alice, Amy, Antony, Andrea, Brady, Jenson, Johnny, Kevin, Kocela, Lenora, Mei Tzu, Ruby, Selina, Sonia, Thomas, Nick

7. Real Love Zouk Performance
Performers: Gino & Kitty

ENTRANCE FEE: NT500 (Prepaid before the 22nd of July)
NTD 700 (After July 22)
Includes all you can drink cocktail and finger food buffet
Early Bird: First 30 tickets come with VIP seats!
Contact person for tickets: Andrea/ Stephanie 04-23055175

Due to the number of people last year we are limiting the number of tickets this year, so pre-paid in advance so you don’t get disappointed

TIME: 20:00-02:00


Total Xtreme Dance Company

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